Monday 21 April 2014

Boost HGH Levels Through High Intensity Workouts and Fasting

Boost HGH Levels Through High Intensity Workouts and Fasting

Making High Intensity Exercise a Way of Life

Our ancestors had no choice but to participate in high intensity
exercise since they spent a great deal of time chasing down and
killing their food. Many societies also found themselves in the
throes of battle with other societies on a regular basis. During
these times, the ‘fight or flight’ response would have been very
evident at a 90% or higher intensity, because anything less would
have meant starvation or death.

Living like this resulted in a lean body that was exceptionally
strong. Typically, the body fat of men was under 10% and for women
it was between 10% and 20%. They had incredible muscle force so that
they were able to overcome obstacles.

If we want to have that same high quality life today, we need to
understand our primitive past and how our bodies’ were able to work
in harmony. Intermittent fasting combined with high intensity
exercise for a short period of time is our genetic makeup for a
thriving body that adapts and evolves so that it can survive. This
also leads to a strong fit body, an indestructible immune system, a
highly effective digestive tract, and an increase in our human
growth hormone production.

The Research

Intermittent fasting for between 12 and 24 hours along with high
intensity exercise will boost your body’s production of HGH, which
is a very important protein based hormone produced by the pituitary
gland. HGH will enhance the cell repair process, and this is what
allows us to age slowly and gracefully. HGH
regulates your
metabolism, burns fat, builds muscles, and slows the negative
effects that stress
can cause.

The Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute conducted a study.
Researched found that men who fasted for 24 hours had a 2000%
increase in the level of HGH circulating in the body, while women
had a 1300% increase.

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine during
2009, showed the accumulation of lactic acid helped to trigger HGH
production. Lactic acid is produced as a response to intense
anaerobic training, which increases HGH production. Aerobic exercise
isn’t intense enough to trigger the production of lactate, so there
is no increase in HGH.

Long duration, low intensity aerobic exercise is considered to be
catabolic, which means it produces a significant amount of free
radicals but does not promote significant production of enzymes,
repair peptides, and hormones like HGH. What it does in essence is
wear down your body’s resources and age you, the opposite of what
you are trying to achieve.

High intensity training produces free radicals too but it triggers a
wealth of enzymes, repair peptides and hormones including HGH to be
released. This leads to a healthy repair of your tissue and positive
anti aging qualities.

It seems that there really is no big secret. Our caveman ancestors
already had it all figured out. We simply need to follow in their
footsteps. If you would like to give your body an extra boost in HGH
production, you should consider taking a safe and affordable HGH